Products – Toys-Hobbies: 17 Digit Rods Abacus Soroban


In recent years, traditional calculation tools like the abacus have been gaining attention as educational toys. Among these, the 17-digit abacus is particularly favored by parents and educators for its functionality and educational benefits. In this article, we will delve into the features, usage, educational benefits, and recommended purchasing methods for the 17-digit abacus.

17桁のそろばん(Abacus Soroban)とは?

What is a 17-Digit Abacus (Soroban)?


The abacus is an ancient calculating tool used not only in Japan but around the world. The 17-digit abacus, as its name suggests, features 17 rods and allows for efficient execution of complex calculations. It is particularly used in schools and homes to enhance children's calculation abilities.


Features and Benefits

  1. 計算能力の向上
    Improvement of Calculation Skills
    そろばんを使うことで、子どもたちは計算の基本原理を視覚的に理解することができます。数字を単なる記号としてではなく、具体的な数量として捉えることができるため、計算能力の向上に役立ちます。Using the abacus, children can visually understand the basic principles of calculation. They perceive numbers as concrete quantities rather than mere symbols, which aids in enhancing their calculation skills.
  2. 集中力と記憶力の強化
    Enhancement of Concentration and Memory
    そろばんを使った計算は、集中力を必要とします。また、指先を使って操作するため、手先の器用さや記憶力も自然と鍛えられます。Calculating with the abacus requires concentration. Additionally, manipulating the beads strengthens dexterity and memory.
  3. 数の概念の理解
    Understanding of Number Concepts
    そろばんを使うことで、数の概念を具体的に理解することができます。特に、位取りの概念や繰り上がり、繰り下がりの計算が視覚的に分かりやすくなります。Using the abacus helps in understanding number concepts concretely. The concepts of place value, carrying, and borrowing in calculations become visually comprehensible.
  4. ポータブルで使いやすい
    Portable and User-Friendly
    17桁のそろばんは、コンパクトで持ち運びに便利です。学校や家庭、さらには外出先でも手軽に使うことができます。The 17-digit abacus is compact and convenient to carry. It can be easily used at school, home, and even on the go.


How to Use


The basic use of the abacus is simple. Each rod has five beads, with one bead above and four beads below. Numbers are represented by moving the beads, and calculations are performed by adjusting these beads. By learning basic operations, you can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

  1. 足し算
    珠を動かして数を表現し、順次加算していきます。繰り上がりの処理も視覚的に行うことができます。Move the beads to represent numbers and add them sequentially. Carrying over is visually managed.
  2. 引き算
    足し算と同様に、珠を動かして数を引いていきます。繰り下がりの処理も簡単に行えます。Similar to addition, move the beads to subtract numbers. Borrowing is also easily handled.
  3. 掛け算と割り算
    Multiplication and Division
    複雑な掛け算や割り算も、そろばんを使うことで簡単に行うことができます。基本的な計算方法を習得すれば、効率よく計算を進めることができます。Complex multiplication and division can also be easily performed using the abacus. Once you master the basic calculation methods, you can proceed efficiently.


Educational Benefits


The educational benefits of the abacus are immense. Numerous studies have shown that learning with the abacus significantly enhances children's mathematical thinking abilities. Particularly, the following benefits are notable:

  1. 論理的思考の向上
    Improvement of Logical Thinking
    計算過程を理解しながら進めるため、論理的思考力が養われます。Logical thinking is developed as children understand and proceed through the calculation process.
  2. 問題解決能力の強化
    Strengthening Problem-Solving Skills
    計算における問題を自分で解決する力が身に付きます。Children gain the ability to solve problems independently in calculations.
  3. 数学への興味喚起
    Sparking Interest in Mathematics
    数字に触れる機会が増えることで、数学への興味が深まります。Increased exposure to numbers enhances interest in mathematics.


Recommended Purchasing Methods


The 17-digit abacus can be purchased as an educational toy from many places. Here are some recommended purchasing methods:

  1. オンラインショップ
    Online Shops
    多くのオンラインショップで様々なデザインや価格帯のそろばんが販売されています。Amazonや楽天など、大手ECサイトで手軽に購入することができます。Various designs and price ranges of abacuses are available on many online shops. They can be easily purchased from major e-commerce sites like Amazon and Rakuten.
  2. 専門店
    Specialty Stores
    教育玩具専門店や文具店でも購入できます。実際に手に取って品質を確かめることができるため、安心して購入することができます。They can also be purchased at educational toy stores and stationery shops. You can verify the quality in person, making it a safe purchase.
  3. 学校や塾の紹介
    Recommendations from Schools or Cram Schools
    多くの学校や塾でもそろばんを取り扱っている場合があります。先生に相談して、おすすめのそろばんを教えてもらうのも一つの方法です。Many schools and cram schools may also handle abacuses. Consult teachers for recommendations on which abacus to buy.




The 17-digit abacus is an excellent educational toy not just as a calculating tool but as a learning tool for children. It offers numerous educational benefits, including the improvement of calculation skills, enhancement of concentration and memory, and understanding of number concepts. Its portable and user-friendly design is also attractive. It can be purchased online or in specialty stores, so consider incorporating it into your home or school. Learning with the abacus will greatly contribute to the growth of children.


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